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Frequent Miler on the Air

Oct 15, 2024

Recently news broke that Hyatt and American Airlines plan to change their partnership with each other. Was the partnership "deepened" like we suggested when we wrote this post, or was it "devalued" like our readers thought in the comments? (Or is it somehow both?)

(00:41) -  Read our post "Hyatt & American Airlines deepen partnership, add more reciprocal earning opportunities" here.

(02:49) - What is the current Hyatt / AA relationship like? (Until 12/31/24)

(03:39) - New AA benefits for Hyatt elites...

(08:33) - Comparing Old vs New

(13:27) - Stephen's thoughts

(14:21) - Nick's thoughts

(16:57) - Greg't thoughts

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Music Credit – Beach Walk by Unicorn Heads